Rezeki, maut dan jodoh semuanya di tangan Tuhan. Ia yang menentukan segala-galanya.
Over and over as I get older, I can't agree more with this statement. Based on my own and my friends's experiences. We may deny and argue by saying that there is a "choice' in whatever we do. We may have choice as what to have for breakfast, friends we want to be with, our hair style, the colour of our dress, etc. But as to these 3 aspects, namely rezeki, maut, jodoh, there is completely zero choice. Let me tell you why ;
1. Rezeki - that is associated with career and wealth.
Beginning from infancy , we have no choice as to which family we are born into. We have no choice as to who our parents are. In school we perhaps may be very hard working to go to a certain college or university of our choice. Here again some may not be brilliant enough or maybe due to financial reasons do not enter university. The connection is that this is related to one's career. Even after securing a job, some people are always denied of promotion or good increment even though he/she is hardworking, responsible and honest. See here again is without choice. You may challenge me by saying, okay switch to another company to work with. If we wanted so much to enter a certain company, this does not neccessary means this company will hire you. Other candidate who applies the same post as you may be more suitable according to the interview/employer. See again, here you have no choice. Who says got choice!. Likewise in business too one have no choice. One may earn a lot, one too can spend a lot. That is why the term business luck come into play.
2. Maut - associated with death - that probably everybody agree. We are unable to choose by what method we shall die or when we have to die. Do not tell me "suicide" er. Suicide too is not really a choice because the one who committed suicide act must have felt felt that life for his,/her is really not worth living.
3. Jodoh - associated with marriage and love.
Where on earth marriage and love got choice one. Marriage is likened a sweet batter trading between 2 parties. The man possibly wants a type of a woman's face he likes, a certain type of character of his preference, skills in certain things eg business, a good educated woman's that may helps him in his career for example and etc. The woman's too have a preconceived idea of the man's of her dream for example a certain kind of look, attributes, characters, manners, financial status, etc. When this 2 parties meet and agrees mutually then possible marriage or love can be blossom. Here again the chances of getting to know and coincidentally with 2 parties agreed is not a choice. Never a choice. Especially if for eg one parties die unexpectedly or maybe intervention of other being/events . All in all there is never a choice as to love and marriage. One may say ; what if people want to tackle anyone and if that person is rejected isn't that is considered choice. I will say no, not choice, but because of incompatiblity or circumstances love is unable to blossom.
See I attest that there is no choice as with regard "rezeki, maut dan jodoh". How true the sayings goes.
Other possible reasons latest one which I am learning now from my spiritual class is Law of Karma and the Philosphy of Life - that decides everything. According to the school nothing is coincident the e.g. given was road accident that may be avoided by a few seconds- that I have yet to comment. I haven't learnt that well yet.