Basically the game is such that you accumulate coins when your pet visit your friends, play a few games such as skipping rope, racing, hitting baseball, fishing etc. From the coins one collected, you are allowed to create your virtual dream home from one room to many rooms bungalow with back and front garden. It allows you to purchase variety of furnitures according to your creativity and design. You then decorate and arrange as to your preference.
I admire the person that create this online. It really simulate real life situation. Example, if you plants vegetables, upon harvest you may sell them if you like. You can change the dressing of your pet too. Very interesting and fun. On my first few days log in this game, I played 3 to 4 hours non-stop. When my friends see me so absorbed in this game, they told, "There I told you so, very interesting one".
True, if you haven't play this game, try log in Facebook and join me play Pet society. Please add me as your friend because each each visit is paid 30 coins.