Saturday, June 23, 2012

23rd June 2012 - online diary

Though I have decided to quit my job, I still work very hard for them.  For the past few days I have been working from 9:00 am till 9 pm something nightly.  You may say that I am a fool.  And I feel that I should do my best with full responsibility trying to update for them.    The mother fucker is so impatient of not receiving my resignation letters yet, giving more additional task to pressure me.

This is really a fucking bullshit world where people are trying to kill one another.  In this case it is not by weapons but through a more subtle way.  Hopefully next month is my last month with them. 

I want to pursue something which i have long neglected due to financial constraint.  I pray to God for making my brain still function and  with good memory. 

Today being a Saturday, of course I am happier, with less stress  compared to normal full working day.   Slept like a log in the afternoon.  This too is after i decided to call it quit.  Prior to deciding to quit I have nightmares and worries that I cannot stleep even at 3:00 am in the morning.  Those unnecessaries fears, sorrow and worries are coming to an end soon.

I foresee my weigh may reduce after I am no longer working.   Got to tighten my belt and reduce spending.   I  look forward to church tomorrow ecause I like to listen to whatever that is preached by the Pastors.  For unexplainable reasons I do not like nor enjoy the worshipping session.

1 comment:

  1. Seem Like life is Suck meeting up with those person. Dont give up also. I will check up around for you. It is very hard to find someone that resposible and hard working like you. Dont give up.
