Monday, May 4, 2009

Along the sea coast

I was driving home around 7 something tonight. I have passed by this road many times before. But only tonight I feel the beauty along the sea coast. Only tonight I see the beauty of the glittering lights at the other side of the sea. What a beautiful view, that I purposely slow down my driving speed to drag on watching and admiring the sides of the road. I feel so carefree and bliss that my only wish now is that I will stay on forever. It is like me and the world with no interference. The rain has stopped. The sky is so clear. No sorrow, no heartache. I have forgotten everything of the past. I enjoy being as it is now. How i wish it were a longer road so that i will not have to stop admiring the view. People are passing and walking by at the other side of the road. How come I only to learn to live now? Wish it were earlier, but cannot because my karmic debts was outstanding until recently. At last I am free.


  1. You can try this one day. Pick a small stretch of road that you've driven along for umpteen years and for a change, walk slowly along it. You will find a thousand new things you've never noticed before. A completely unfamiliar experience.

    This, I think, is one of the effects of meditation. In the same way, a rock that one discards as useless can become an object of fascination, filled with patterns, textures and colors never seen before, if one meditates on it.

    When the mind is awake, it sees what others cannot see.

  2. @Damien,
    True, can't agree enuf with you. Wish I can attend my meditation class more regular. Our meditations lessons consist of theory and practical parts. The theory part needs constant revision and listening. Whereas as for the practical, it can be practised anywhere, however the vibes is different between centre and home.
