Saturday, August 8, 2009

Online diary - 8/8/09

Doubts, suspicion, discontent, dishearten, tiredness, confusion and stress are the norm of the days. Tell me, if there is anyone who is not feeling any one of the eight adjectives. I have all the eight types of those feeling to the extent that I cannot update my blog daily.

Theoretically it is very easy to talk about, "Not to be serious, let go, forget the past, bla , bla, etc." These are bullshits. It is never easy to disregard our feelings let alone eliminate or get rid out those feelings. Meditation teachers claim meditation can assist in this aspect. I am in doubt now, hehe. Likewise any motivational speakers can give you list of ideas and advices and they are all not easy to practise.

Two of my married friends confess that they prefer not get married, cos they are not very satisfy with their married life. One of them is due to financial reasons, another is because of jealousy between the spouse and his family.

A few days ago I was shouted angrily by another so called friend.

Me say: " Wow these few days you look very radiant, heard that a relationship is blooming"

Troy say (pseudonym of course) : "You shut up la, don't spread anything, don't tell anyone. See I never bother with anyone affairs".

Me say : "Ok, ok, i don't see nor know anything,"

What a fucking friend, never give me face completely, scolded me like hell. I was only joking. The truth is that this married man is seen sitting very closely, touching another lady who is also married at a restaurant. They are both married yet continue to have affair secretly.

Somebody saw it, and informed me. What a scandal. Dare to indulge, yet scared people comment. No balls and unreasonable man. Well this is typical example of a man in conflict with his inner self. The world has turned very dirty in all aspect.

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