Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Body overhaul" the traditional way.

Body Overhaul -Don't take it literally. Arteries blockage the home remedy method.

1 cup of garlic
1 cup old ginger
1 cup lemon juice
1 cup apple cider vinegar
2 cup honey

Blend the garlic and ginger till like a paste. Put in the blended garlic, lemon juice and ginger in frying pan. Stir slowly like stirring jam for approx 15 - 20 mins. Put in apple cider vinegar and mix. When cool pour in honey and mix well. Keep in refrigerator.

To be taken one table spoon daily early in the morning. I have friends who have eaten it and can feel the effect of his breathing becomes easier.

Notice the lemon squeezer I use to squeeze the lemons. It is not easy to squeeze all the 10 lemons all by bare hand.

Sources: The recipes are given by a retired doctor who at the age of 70 something can still cycling. As it has been given to me generously and altruistic, I shall pass it on similarly.


  1. I've heard of this before. Maybe i should really give it a try.

  2. @Alvin,
    The taste is like the chicken rice chilly sauce except with some bitter end.
