Sunday, July 8, 2012

Suspicion, Doubt and Uncertainties

To be suspicous, doubtful and uncertain about annother human is understandable because  human is not without weaknesses, fickle-minded, absent-minded, egositics, greed, and anger.

 However to have these 3 feelings towards God is something maybe I should learn more about the Book of God more.  In today's sermon I learn about the power of prayer.  I was told if we work, we work  alone,  If we pray God also works for us. We as Christian must side a set  time for prayers daily.

And the phrases for the beginning of prayers must goes like this:

1.  Hallowed be your  name, your kingdom come,  your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Then followwed by whatever you are asking for.

The ending paragraph is "Nevertherless not my will but Thine be done"

In Nehemiah 1 and 2 , Nehemiah prayed for 120 days before there was any feedback.
It is not to be forgotten that prayer is not so much on getting from God as  what we ask but more about taking from God's direction, wisdom and insight as to how we endure in our valley of darkness.

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