Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Declutter, detox the mind

We have read and heard so much of detoxing of our body through special diets to release our bodies from stored toxins. We have also heard of feng shui masters advise us on declutter our home. The more spacious our home is , the easier the chi to flow. Similarly the mind also need needs detoxing. Feelings such as resentment, frustration, enmity and unexpressed anger can become internal poisons that ultimately damage our well beings and quality of life if they are not resolved.

Meditation and spiritual lessons are the methods to assist us to have the inner strength to cope with life. However to gain inner strength through meditation requires a certain period of time. I have not gain mine yet after I have learnt since year Aug 2005. Most probably because I don't practise constantly, the spiritual connection that our mind make with cosmic forces. The more regular and concentrate we are the more inner wisdom within us is acquired.

Life may be considered difficult and complicated or simple and easy depending on how we perceive it to be. It is only a matter of switching or tuning the mind to either which side. We have to let go of our junk and clutter. This applies to material possession in the home, work-related activities, relationships, thoughts and emotions. We are inviting too many distractions into our lives unconsciously through our experiences and others' experiences by our observations. One of my teacher's favourite slogan is "Don't think". What she meant was on a regularly basis we have to identify what is no longer serves a useful purposes. This applies to our personal life and career aspects of our life. This is getting the excess baggage out of our life. Do something every day to make our life less complicated. Refuse to spend time with people or things that are draining our energy, space, time or money. Do not remember or think of the weaknesses of others in our mind. Do not worry about things that might never happen. What if... any mishap happens. Switch off.

W can't change anyone or everything and live in perfect pure world, but learning to cope with the inevitable and be able to handle any situations like a somersault may make a difference.

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