Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just sharing - 7/7/09

It is already past midnight and I haven't sleep. The reason is my sleeping pattern is that sometimes if I miss the 9 something "sleep bus", it will be very late for me to have another sleepy moment. I wonder if there are many people having this kind of sleep pattern like me.

Lately I have been very tired and weak. Too tired to write anything. Even if I write it will be mostly my anger, frustration and hatred. I hate to tell lies therefore I can't write what is not in my heart. I notice many people are having devilish trait. Maybe to others it is a norm, a norm to stay alive. My friend shared with me that he too was very fed up with certain peers character who talked so bad and condemn one contractor. Whereas in front of the contractor he pat and smile with the said contractor, even talk about games as if being old close friends. Just ten minutes ago criticise severely the contractor.

Some even lies and talk nonsense just because their position are higher. No wonder these days people are more prone to illness. I wonder if their thoughts, words and actions are not in alignment, will they ever feel any uneasiness. They talked one thing, do something else, maybe feel another things. One example is, one director boasting to outside people that his organisation is all working harmoniously like a big family. Inside the company, he is abusing verbally and mentally his employees. Internally his heart is condemning the workers for being not hard working enough, not loyal enough, not good enough, not efficient enough.

Nowadays nobody is really pleased with anybody I am sure. Similarly I too not satisfied with anyone in my life though I can assure that I give my passing marks very low. This is inevitable in life. Everybody has flaws including myself.


  1. What you describe is common. You can find it in the old classical Chinese texts - about how the Chinese emperor's officials will praise the emperor like god in his presence and say something completely different when they're outside the palace. Dissatisfaction is timeless. As long as there is consciousness, there is dissatisfaction. This, by the way, is one of the 4 observations of Buddhism.

    The question is, do you think you can do anything about it?

  2. Thank you Damien.
    To deal with that, theoretically I am taught to
    1. accept everyone as they are no matter how terrible they may be. (Cos they maybe 'degrading' due to karma and drama)
    2. To let go, meaning don't think too much especially about those that we dislike.i.e do not keep them or their attitudes in our heart.
    3. Has no expectation on anyone or anything even to those things that we have contributed to. ^-^.
